4 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI: Pada perusahaan otobus (PO) ada beberapa hal yang menjadi masalah, untuk trayek-trayek tertentu seperti pada bis ekonomi pihak manajemen tidak mengetahui pemasukan dari setiap bis yang beroperasi karena pada bis ekonomi penumpang bebas naik dan turun di sepanjang perjalanan, kondisi ini diperparah dengan tidak diberlakukannya tiket yang menentukan jumlah harga yang harus dibayarkan penumpang. Hal ini tentu akan berpotensi menurunkan jumlah pemasukan dari setiap bis yang beroperasi dan berpotensi untuk merugikan pengguna kendaraan umum karena tidak ada takaran pasti dalam penentuan harga yang harus dibayarkan untuk sebuah jarak perjalanan.Dalam tugas akhir ini telah dilakukan perancangan dan implementasi Sistem Tiketing Bus dengan menggunakan Global Positioning System untuk menentukan daerah asal naik dan waktu naik penumpang. Tujuan penumpang ditentukan dengan menekan tombol tujuan sesuai yang tertera di layar monitor. Dari data asal dan tujuan kemudian diolah oleh processor untuk menentukan tarif ke tujuan. Hasil proses ini menghasilkan empat paramater yaitu waktu naik penumpang, asal daerah penumpang naik, tujuan penumpang dan tarif yang harus dibayar. Beberapa parameter ini kemudian dicetak dengan menggunakan printer dan disimpan ke dalam SD-Card.Pada hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa secara sistemik sistem ticketing bus yang telah direalisasikan telah sesuai dengan spesifikasi dan ketentuan yang diinginkan. Sistem mampu bekerja pada tegangan 24 volt DC, memiliki akurasi koordinat GPS mencapai 1 meter, mampu menentukan lokasi tempat penumpang naik dengan akurasi 100%, mampu menyimpan informasi – informasi transaksi, serta mampu melakukan pencetakan tiket berdasarkan informasi transaksi secara otomatis.Kata Kunci : Sistem Tiketing Bis, Global Positioning System, SD-CardABSTRACT: In the Autobus Company, there are some problems, especially for economy class. Management doesn’t know exactly how much income from each bus everyday. It’s happen because on economy class, the passengers freely ride and off the bus anyplace along the bus route. This conditions more severe because the passenger don’t want to user the ticket system. This case would potentially lower the income from each bus and potentially harm the company.On this thesis, has done the design and implementation of Bus Ticketing System using GPS to determine location and rise time passenger. The passenger destination has determine by choose destination city displayed on monitor using push the button. Then information has been processed using processor to determine the price must be paid by passengers. From that process, will be collect four information, that is rise time, the initial place, destination city, and price must be paid. All of this information will be printed on paper and will be saved on SD-Card.The result of system testing showed that as systemic, the bus ticketing system has been realized complies with the specifications and conditions of the desired. The system capable to work at 24 volt DC supply, GPS coordinates have an accuracy to 1meter, capable to determining the location where passengers ridewith100% accuracy, capable of storing information-transaction information, and able to perform printing of tickets based on transaction information automatically.Keyword: Bus Ticketing System, Global Positioning System, SD-Car

    Infrastructure as Code for Security Automation and Network Infrastructure Monitoring

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    The Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic that has spread throughout the world has created a new work culture, namely working remotely by utilizing existing technology. This has the effect of increasing crime and cyber attacks as more and more devices are connected to the internet for work. Therefore, the priority on security and monitoring of network infrastructure should be increased. The security and monitoring of this infrastructure requires an administrator in its management and configuration. One administrator can manage multiple infrastructures, making the task more difficult and time-consuming. This research implements infrastructure as code for security automation and network infrastructure monitoring including IDS, honeypot, and SIEM. Automation is done using ansible tools to create virtual machines to security configuration and monitoring of network infrastructure automatically. The results obtained are automation processes and blackbox testing is carried out and validation is carried out using a User Acceptance Test to the computer apparatus of the IT Poltek SSN Unit to prove the ease of the automation carried out. Based on the results of the UAT, a score of 154 was obtained in the Agree area with an acceptance rate of 81.05% for the implementation of infrastructure as code for the automation carried ou

    A Novel Discrete-Time Chaos-Function-Based Random-Number Generator: Design and Variability Analysis

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    This paper presents a novel discrete-time (DT) chaotic map-based random-number generator (RNG), namely the Siponi map, which is a modification of the Logistic map. The Logistic map is usually applied to cryptosystems, mainly for the purposes of generating random numbers. In addition to being easy to implement, it has a better security level than other nonlinear functions. However, it can only process positive real-number inputs. Our proposed map is a deterministic function that can process positive and negative real values. We explored the map comprehensively and investigated its characteristics and parameters. We calculated the optimum parameter values using empirical and theoretical mathematical models to yield the maximum randomness of a sequence of bits. The limit variation of the maximum parameter value was determined based on a practical information measure. Empirical verification was performed for the Siponi map to generate bit sequences unrelated to the previous bit with high entropy values, and we found the extractor function threshold value to be 0.5, while the parameter control was −2 or 2. Using our proposed map, a simple RNG without post-processing passed DieHard statistical tests and all the tests on the NIST SP 800-22. Finally, we have implemented a Siponi map-based RNG on the FPGA board and demonstrated that the sources used are LUT = 4086, DSP = 62, and register = 2206

    A Novel Discrete-Time Chaos-Function-Based Random-Number Generator: Design and Variability Analysis

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    This paper presents a novel discrete-time (DT) chaotic map-based random-number generator (RNG), namely the Siponi map, which is a modification of the Logistic map. The Logistic map is usually applied to cryptosystems, mainly for the purposes of generating random numbers. In addition to being easy to implement, it has a better security level than other nonlinear functions. However, it can only process positive real-number inputs. Our proposed map is a deterministic function that can process positive and negative real values. We explored the map comprehensively and investigated its characteristics and parameters. We calculated the optimum parameter values using empirical and theoretical mathematical models to yield the maximum randomness of a sequence of bits. The limit variation of the maximum parameter value was determined based on a practical information measure. Empirical verification was performed for the Siponi map to generate bit sequences unrelated to the previous bit with high entropy values, and we found the extractor function threshold value to be 0.5, while the parameter control was −2 or 2. Using our proposed map, a simple RNG without post-processing passed DieHard statistical tests and all the tests on the NIST SP 800-22. Finally, we have implemented a Siponi map-based RNG on the FPGA board and demonstrated that the sources used are LUT = 4086, DSP = 62, and register = 2206